
While the trio’s outfits initially raised the judges’ eyebrows, the moment they began to sing, jaws dropped as everyone—literally everyone—was left in awe of the extraordinary sound they were creating…Watch full below

And when Simon asks, “What’s the dream,” they say they want to be like Destiny’s Child or (possibly in deference to judge Mel B) the Spice Girls. So they are dressed for it and revved up for it and when the act starts, they even dance like it’s going to be a hard-hitting female-power routine.

Then they start singing and no one–literally no one–can believe what they are hearing.  The judges look at one another in astonishment and the audience is equally in shock. they simply cannot believe that sound is coming from these women. Watch the full video below to find out what happens and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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Simon chuckled at his song choice, convinced it was a lighthearted mistake. But the moment he opened his mouth to sing, a wave of regret crashed over him like a sudden storm. Watch video in the first comment

The super talented trio took the stage to perform “The Prayer” by Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion…